Still Life
Still Life, 22"X 28" Oil on Canvas 2023.
I grew up listening to the radio. Radio reflected the urban landscape and all that was exciting and new. My father was a DJ and in my family the right of passage was when you were old enough to get your 3rd class radio license from the FCC. I remember carrying my fathers records out to the car before he drove to the station to do a show and how heavy the vinyl was. When I was a kid I listened to AM radio where we would tolerate the DJ talking over a beloved song in a manic attempt to get in a few last words.I remember the 5 tone intro to the news headlines and how warm, trusting and reassuring it felt despite the ominous current events. If Im in a rural area I like to tune in to the local stations to get a lay of the land and the kind of sponsors that reflect the local economy. And for me there's nothing like the comfort of listening to baseball on the radio as they"paint pictures with words" as Jon Miller says. Every now and then I'll hear a song on the radio that's like a time machine transporting me back to a simpler time and place that has a feel, remembrance, and fleeting scent-even, of a moment in my younger life that can never be experienced in quite the same way again.